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Sportsvenue Technology

Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers

Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers

Sports venues are increasingly becoming modular with rising demand for safer surfaces that enhance game play. Sports arenas nowadays are also being used as multipurpose fields either for hosting a different sport than usual or for events other than sports. These demands can be fulfilled by specialized polymer covers that can be laid above turfsRead more about Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers[…]

Technology-Driven Sports Venues Are Augmenting Raw, Live Experience

Technology-Driven Sports Venues Are Augmenting Raw, Live Experience

Sports venue technology has been deeply incorporated into our live experience and has changed the way sports are being viewed at stadiums. Our passions and technologies have integrated to generate fervor-filled viewership without hindering the overall audience’s involvement. Latest technologies in sports venues make it unnecessary for the audience to compromise on their comfort orRead more about Technology-Driven Sports Venues Are Augmenting Raw, Live Experience[…]

Catching Waves With Your Smartphone: Android Apps for Modern Surfers

Catching Waves With Your Smartphone: Android Apps for Modern Surfers

The estimated number of yearly surfers in the US alone is over 1,700,000, and statistics show there to be a huge 23 million surfers worldwide. Surfing is clearly a hugely popular niche sport that’s gaining more and more attention as the years go by. Requiring lots of skill and exactly the right weather conditions toRead more about Catching Waves With Your Smartphone: Android Apps for Modern Surfers[…]

Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue

Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue

Sports Venue is an integral aspect for any kind of sports around the globe. Be it at local level, national level or the international level. It i.e. sports venue is even decided much before the match date and timings between the teams is fixed. It is mandatory that the sports venue be booked many monthsRead more about Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue[…]

A Quick Glance on the Careers in Sports Medicine

A Quick Glance on the Careers in Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine is an all time booming career in the world in any kind of sports. Unlike any other medicinal practice, this i.e. sports medicine completely deals with sports persons as its patients. It is in fact a very lucrative job unlike the typical medical personnel. A typical medical personnel would require many years ofRead more about A Quick Glance on the Careers in Sports Medicine[…]

Protect yourself by wearing Sports Helmets – Do not risk your safety!

Protect yourself by wearing Sports Helmets – Do not risk your safety!

Injuries in sports became a common scenario for the sportsperson. They are the major cause of sportsperson discontinuing the sports at a very a young age or not playing on the day of the match. According to research, many injuries in sports mostly occur during the time of practice and 9.1% of all the spinalRead more about Protect yourself by wearing Sports Helmets – Do not risk your safety![…]

Causes of Recurring Sports Injuries by Sports Person

Causes of Recurring Sports Injuries by Sports Person

Sports injuries are common in any kind of sports for a sports person. In short, it is a part and parcel of every sportsperson on this planet and they can occur both on-field, off-field and future of the sportsperson is entirely decided on the intensity of the injury. Future here refers whether he/she will be able toRead more about Causes of Recurring Sports Injuries by Sports Person[…]