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Sportsvenue Technology

Reinventing the Sports Stadium

Reinventing the Sports Stadium

Utilitarian sports stadiums are a thing of the past. The audience, largely, are looking beyond mere functionality. They are now looking for a digitally connected arena with sophisticated seating, resting lounges, restaurants, night clubs, bowling venues, and other post-game recreational centers. Even colleges and universities are coming up with open stadiums and facilities that caterRead more about Reinventing the Sports Stadium[…]

Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers

Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers

Sports venues are increasingly becoming modular with rising demand for safer surfaces that enhance game play. Sports arenas nowadays are also being used as multipurpose fields either for hosting a different sport than usual or for events other than sports. These demands can be fulfilled by specialized polymer covers that can be laid above turfsRead more about Turf Protection and Ice Conversion Covers[…]