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Sportsvenue Technology

The Evolution of Nanotechnology in Sports Equipment

The Evolution of Nanotechnology in Sports Equipment

Sports can never ever be isolated from the transcending fields of science, entertainment, trend, business, fashion etc and it is nothing short of adding the technology in its soul. Sports by the far is tuning to the endless perfectness by leveraging several areas with no difference or May be it’s the way sports swagger byRead more about The Evolution of Nanotechnology in Sports Equipment[…]

How are Stadiums Bringing Fans back from Homes to the Grounds?

How are Stadiums Bringing Fans back from Homes to the Grounds?

Television technology has improved and also ticket prices at various stadiums. Hence, franchises are investing in relocating or renovating existing stadiums. Technology is being incorporated too. Below, we try to give you highlights of such innovated stadiums. 1. Gillette Stadium Team: New England Patriots Not having a WiFi at a stadium can be extremely frustratingRead more about How are Stadiums Bringing Fans back from Homes to the Grounds?[…]

Levi’s Stadium – The New ‘Smart Stadium’

Levi’s Stadium – The New ‘Smart Stadium’

We know of smart phones, smart cars and smart homes. Now come smart stadiums! In the heart of Silicon Valley, is the Levi’s Stadium which happens to be the most technologically equipped stadium in the world. The stadium located in San Francisco will allow 70,000+ fans to connect to WiFi and access 4G network to catchRead more about Levi’s Stadium – The New ‘Smart Stadium’[…]

Sporting Venues Embrace Renewable Energy

Sporting Venues Embrace Renewable Energy

Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is on a mission to push sports leagues and teams toward environmentally friendly practices. “Thirteen percent of Americans follow science,56 percent of Americans follow sports,” said Hershkowitz. With hundreds of millions of patrons and billions in revenue each year, the industry has developed aRead more about Sporting Venues Embrace Renewable Energy[…]

Technology Brings Fans to the Game

Technology Brings Fans to the Game

The sports industry benefits from the most passionate fans and followers in the world—a breed so loyal to their favorite team they’ll wear its colors proudly, name their first-born after its legendary stars, and make hard-hitting sacrifices to support that team. When it comes to sports, good technology helps keep fans in their seats. WithRead more about Technology Brings Fans to the Game[…]

SPORTS VENUES: Avenues of Revenue

SPORTS VENUES: Avenues of Revenue

Sport is gaining in prominence at the confluence of media and entertainment as sports stars morph into media icons. With increasing spectator interest, tournaments, competitions, and other mega sports events are being held across the world.. Given this scenario, there is a growing need for developing sports venues which not only offer an array ofRead more about SPORTS VENUES: Avenues of Revenue[…]

Use of Technology in Football

Use of Technology in Football

A Sport is already, by itself an activity with comprehensive science technique application. A jock who exerts best synced science & technique in his/her game is more certain to win over other competitors. Technological advancements in sports equipments used by sportsmen might improve winning chances further. Winning and losing is not only an individual capabilityRead more about Use of Technology in Football[…]

Machine Revolution in Cricket Bowling

Machine Revolution in Cricket Bowling

Sports Industry found a lot variety of activities involving machines from the beginning till date. Manual activities are reducing and machinery activities are increasing a lot and the most important reason would be to decrease dependability and to save time. In the sports the performance improvement in a sportsman game is considered at every otherRead more about Machine Revolution in Cricket Bowling[…]