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Sportsvenue Technology

Improving the Experience for Spectators at Sporting Venues

Improving the Experience for Spectators at Sporting Venues

Sporting venues have the challenge to compete against people who love to watch sports at home. To get them off their couch, booking a ticket and heading out to the local sports venue to watch their favourite team, it has to provide an experience that’s as good – or better – than what they canRead more about Improving the Experience for Spectators at Sporting Venues[…]

Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue

Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue

Sports Venue is an integral aspect for any kind of sports around the globe. Be it at local level, national level or the international level. It i.e. sports venue is even decided much before the match date and timings between the teams is fixed. It is mandatory that the sports venue be booked many monthsRead more about Aspects to Keep in Mind When Choosing Sports Venue[…]